The Single Most Important Leadership Question


I picked up a friend’s iPhone recently. Their inbox showed over 32,000 unread emails.

The amount of information vying for our attention is absurd. We are bombarded with competing priorities.

The tyranny of the urgent rules our lives.

What if we could drive through the information overload? What if we could drill down and gain situational wisdom?

The single most important leadership question creates space for focus. For our own lives. For our projects. For our co-workers.

What’s most important and how do you know?

Perhaps the new marketing strategy isn’t producing expected results. What’s most important and how do you know?

Perhaps employee engagement has risen in the last quarter and you want it to continue rising. What’s most important and how do you know?

Perhaps the strategic goals need clarifying. What’s most important and how do you know?

In a world of competing distractions, information overload, and urgent responses the greatest skill you can offer as a leader is clarity.

Become skilled at giving clarify by asking the single most important leadership question.

What’s most important and how do you know?


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