How Friendships are Reshaping Organisational Culture


Some millennial friends of mine worked as senior leaders in an international development agency. In a surprise move, they shifted back to their hometown to take over a small local work.

More surprisingly, two other couples followed them to live and work with their friends.

Organizational culture faces a paradigm shift as friendship takes precedence in the workplace.

Millennials expect friends in work and work with friends.

Workplaces who create space for — and strengthen — friendships will succeed in retaining millennials.

Workplaces without the potential for friendship will see millennials shift to a new role.

Whether it’s FOMO or just relational ease, friendships are now a currency in the workplace.

Can millennials in your workplace create friendships?

Are your employees or volunteers leaving because the ability to have friends at work is missing?


GET OFF THE BEACH! (or How Vision Keeps Millennials Engaged)


People Intend to Succeed